High School Bridge Basics
High School Bridge (HSB) works with students attending elementary schools in communities impacted by systemic disinvestment to identify, enroll and persist at best-fit high schools. The program is open to all students at selected partner schools beginning in 7th grade and continuing through 10th grade.
HSB counselors, hired and employed by CJA, work with students and families on-site at our partner schools. They help families evaluate high school options and assess best-fit factors like academic rigor, support services, and commute times. After students choose and enroll in a high school, counselors continue to support them on-site throughout 9th and 10th grade. This continued support helps enable students to have a strong academic and social-emotional start to high school.
In addition to on-campus support, our counselors connect students with summer opportunities including work placement and summer camps.
At the end of tenth grade, our counselors support a transition to either a school-based college counselor or a community based provider that can help students decide their best next steps including college, certificate or technical programs or direct to career pathways.