Starting Early, Starting Strong
In 3rd and 4th grade, our focus with students is to ensure that they are building a strong foundation as they begin their academic careers. Students build basic skills such as reading comprehension and rudimentary math skills. Beginning with the basics also allows teachers to determine where extra support is needed and how to best provide this support either to the class as a whole or individual students.

Whole Student Approach
Our 3rd and 4th grade classrooms follow a co-teaching style that includes a teacher along with an Instructional Assistant. This allows for students to receive more individualized care from adults. In addition, our Social Work and Learning Resource Center teams offer expanded support to the 3rd- and 4th-grade students. This helps students build the foundation of social-emotional and academic tools they need to be successful in and outside of CJA.

Caring Classroom Culture
Whether it’s a scavenger hunt around CJA to help our 3rd graders get to know the school, field trips to the Museum of Science and Industry or partner work in Science class, our teachers are always finding loving and creative ways for learning to be innovative and applicable to the world around our students.